Member Benefits
The Alaska Superintendents Association is the Alaska state affiliate organization for the School Superintendents Association.
State and national membership is open to:
- Superintendents and assistant superintendents
- Individuals in school administration, resource centers, higher education programs
- Full-time professors of educational administration or supervision not employed in full-time school administration
- Individuals who are actively engaged or interested in educational administration
- Individuals currently pursuing a career as a school system leader
- Members who have retired
Benefits Include:
The Alaska Superintendents Association (ASA) is dedicated to representing and supporting public school administrators as educational leaders who advocate for the educational needs of children in a strong public education system. We are here to support you and will appreciate your participation.
There are many benefits associated with your ASA membership besides knowing that your contribution will be used to advance and support preK-12 students across the State of Alaska. Benefits include:
- Discounted registration to three yearly professional development conferences with opportunities to earn your continuing education credits.
- Peer recognition programs: As a member you are eligible to receive the Alaska Superintendent of the Year Award.
- New & Incoming Superintendent Academy: Enjoy the added benefit of professional development tailored to your needs to help you succeed as a superintendent in Alaska.
- Membership in the Alaska Council of School Administrators: Membership in ACSA includes receiving publications such as the Education Bulletin published three times yearly and legislative updates regularly throughout the session.
With a superintendent’s enrollment at the active ASA membership level, additional active memberships for assistant superintendents and central office administrative staff within the district are offered at a discounted rate.